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Marysville Washingtonby T. F. Comeford.The State of Washington is noted for the thrifty and sprightly towns and cities which dot the shores of the navigable streams and stretch out over the hills and dales amidst the forest along the lines of the steam railways. Located thirty-eight miles north of Seattle on the coast line of the Great Northern railway where it crosses Ebey Slough, one of the outlets of the Snohomish River, is the attractive and busy city of Marysville. The first persons to enter the forest at this place were Benj. F. Stafford, L. L. Ireland and a Mr. Thomas, who came to the place where Marysville is now situated in 1870. Mr. J. P. Comeford, the first permanent settler, came upon the scene in 1878 and purchased the interests of the above parties and established a store and trading post at this point. The store was bought in 1886 by H. B. Myers and Mark Swinerton. In 1879 the public schools were established and during the year following a post office was secured, of which J. P. Comeford was the first postmaster. After much discussion the name of the place was left to Mrs. Comeford, the first white woman to come to the place and for her named Marysville. In the spring of 1884 Mr. Comeford laid out the town and gave it the same name as the post office. In 1889 the Great Northern railway was built through the place, when it took on a period of active growth. The year preceding Mr. E. J. Anderson had built a saw mill, the first one in the place, and several shingle mills were built and put into operation. Everything began to boom. Thomas Hopp that same year established a newspaper, which he called the Globe. In 1890 the town was incorporated and Mark Swinerton elected the first mayor. In the year following the commodious and attractive school building was completed. The beautiful new city hall was completed in 1901. Marysville is in the midst of the lumbering district of Puget Sound and situated on Ebey Slough, one of the mouths of the Snohomish River. The timber consists mainly of fir and cedar. Nine shingle mills, three sawmills, a machine shop and other industries give employment when they are in full operation to many men, not only in the city but in the woods logging. Here, as in other parts of Snohomish county, are thousands of acres of logged-off lands which are now in places being cleared and utilized for farming and dairying purposes. The soil of these lands consists of different varieties and is especially adapted to hay and oats, fruit, berries and produce. Large opportunities are offered for settlers in these logged-off lands which can be procured at very reasonable prices. Marysville is not only on the coast branch of the Great Northern railway, but also has a line of railway called the Marysville & Northern, running between this place and Bryant. A new road is now being built from Marysville running through Arlington into the large body of timber lying beyond along the Stillaquamish River. The city has an excellent system of waterworks which was built two years ago. The people now have in contemplation putting in a new system of waterworks, getting their supply of water from a lake of most excellent water four miles northwest of the city at the elevation of 325 feet above the city on the Tulalip Indian Reservation. Electricity for light and power purposes is secured from Everett. Adjoining Marysville is the Tulalip Indian Reservation, covering 30 square miles of as fine land as exists. Between 500 and 600 Indians are living here at the present time. They engage in fishing, logging and hunting and their trade adds much to the business men of the city. Marysville is a city of pretty and cosy homes. Attractive and neat residences surrounded by well-kept and fine yards can be seen in various parts of the city. Many homes have been built here within the past few years. The people are especially proud of the two magnificent school houses here and maintain a high standard course of education. The new high school building was erected last year at a cost of $10,000. There are here six churches of the leading denominations. The city has a bank, newspaper, and all the various lines of business pursuit in each one of which excellent stocks as to quality and assortment are carried. Each year the tall firs and cedars, the dense thicket of alder and brush are growing less and less, and the city grows and prospers. The people are becoming more metropolitan and settled in their homes and occupations, while the present smiles and the future is bright and hopeful.Article from "The Coast: Alaska and Greater Northwest" Vol 16 No. 5, Nov 1908. Published by The Coast Publishing Company 14th and Main St. Seattle U.S.A. This is from a Reprint created in 1973 with 1973 Advertisers. Transcribed for this webpage by Darilee Bednar...who takes full responsiblity for this page. The importance of this article needs to be pointed out. Edmond S. Meany and several other people researching the origins of Washington town names give credit to the story that James Comford named his town Marysville at the request of two loggers who were originally from Marysville CA. This article is written by a Comford son who clearly says that Marysville was named after Maria Comeford...wife of James Comeford, mother of sons, and first Marysville teacher.
Minor Towns of Snohomish CountyBRYANT is a place of several hundred people and has four companies and firms operating lumber mills and shingle mills and following logging. Large areas of logged-off lands are in this vicinity, some of which are now being improved and settled CATHCART is a farming community, located immediately south of Snohomish. CEDARHOME is a thickly settled and prosperous agricultural community and has a logging camp, shingle mill, sawmill and creamery. A good school is here maintained. CICERO has over a hundred population, devoted to lumbering and farming, with fine hunting and fishing. DARRINGTON, at the terminus of the Northern Pacific branch running out of Arlington, is a promising mining camp, with excellent hunting and fishing in the surrounding country, and has a most delightful climate for summer pleasure-seekers. EDGECOMB is a small place, situated near Arlington, and is a lumbering and logging community, with areas of logged-off lands awaiting settlement. FLORENCE is a sprightly town of several hundred people, surrounded by a prosperous farming community. It is on the Stillaguamish river. Shingle mills and a logging outfit operate here. |