My granddog, a black lab mixed, usually spends 2 to 4 days a week with me at my bookstore. His visits started over 2 1/2 years ago. He has many great traits and has proven his compainship.... but he does bark... at people he knows.
A year ago, last Thanksgiving, I ran over his rear with the van... breaking his wagger (in other words, his tail doesn't wag).
The old mail lady would bring doggie treats.
The new mail lady is afraid of dogs!!!
On the 15th of Dec 2000, the new gal, after 3 months or so on the route, stopped delivery to my store because of the dog... and not because I had filed two complaints against her...
Talking to the supervisor made it clear that the only way I could get mail at the store was to put up some kind of mail box outside or have the post office hold my mail.
Getting mail at the downtown office isn't impossible but parking is and the line is usually 10 people long.... Putting up a mail box, just meant I needed to visit a local hardware store that had lockable mail boxes (drove 30 miles to get it), and then make time to drill holes in my outside wall to hang it, and purchase additional screwdrivers, and.... (so putting the 60 dollar box up didn't get done right away OK!!!)
15 Mar 2001, I finally put up the outside mailbox and I get a stack of mail over 9 inches tall. Besides regular letters there is one priority mail (one month late) and 5 post office memos. It's the top one that is, of course, the one that makes yah go hummmmm.
Well, if the mail gal won't deliver priority mail what good is a letter from the supervisor goin' to do. (underlined twice)