Grandma and Grandpa Louis and Teresa Oien are buried directly across from the chapel facing east. They are buried a few plots north of Marcella (Oien) Cordray. Buried also directly below Marcella is the grave of Charles "Chuck" Swanson, Grandma's nephew-in-law, via George McClean's daughter Barbara (McClean) Swanson.

Charles Swanson

Steven Swanson, son of Charles and Barbara Swanson, buried at back of cemetery.

Map of Cemetery
Louis and Teresa Oien, Chuck Swanson, Stevie Swanson
Nels, Berit, Carl Oien
Carrie Oien, Anna and Carl Downing, Carl and Carrie Ericksons
Marie and Harry E. Mercer, John and Christene Westlund
Andrew and Jessie Orien, Nels Oien, Peter and Oluffa Oien