Henry David Sherman
1824 New Milford CT
1917 Cedar Rapids IA

This is an unpublished 84 page booklet created by Edith Sherman Averill in August 1936.
It is an original typed copy in a three ring binder

It was a treasured part of the estate of Sara Sherman, the youngest daughter of Henry David Sherman.

Placed online by Third St Book Exchange located downtown Marysville WA, as a free resource. The original remains with Ed Bartholomew, Sara's friend for the last decade of her life.

Pages 56 - 60

Matthew Mitchell, father of Hon. Samuel Sherman’s wife, was born in 1590; came to America probably on the same boat with Edmund Sherman and son Samuel. Died May 19, 1646. He was a member of the New Haven Court and Judge of local court.
From Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut:

Matthew Mitchell Member General Court, Hartford, Mch. 8, 1637.
    Vol. 1, p. 13.

Matthew Mitchell, Member General Court, Hartford, Apr. 5, 1638.
    Vol. 1, p. 17.

VIII (2) SAMUEL SHERMAN, JR., son of Hon. Samuel and Mary (Mitchell) Sherman; born June 19, 1641, at Stratford, Ct.; died Feb. 20, 1718/19, at Stratford; married June 19, 1665, at Stratford, Mary Titterton (sometimes spelled Titharton), dau. of Daniel and Jane Titterton, who was born in Stratford and died there.
Same authorities say that Samuel, Jr. was bom in Stamford before his father went to Stratford but his birth is in Vital Statistics of Stratford, vol. 1, p. 54.
Children born at Stratford;

i. Mary, b. May 7, 1666. Died young.
ii. Daniel, b. Mch. 23, 1668, in. Rebecca Wheeler, Dec. 19 or 26, 1694.
iii. Susanna, b. July 22, 1670, m. Daniel Mitchel.
iv. Sarah, b. Jan. 26, 1673, bapt. May 16, 1673, probably died young.
v. Grace, b. July 8, 1676, m. Daniel St. John.
vi. Elizabeth, b. June 1, 1678, m. Isaac Clark.
vii. Sarah, b. Dec. 16, 1681, m. Samuel Beers.
viii. Abigail, b. Aug. 4, 1688, m. James Beebe.

After the death of his first wife, Samuel Sherman Jr. married a second time, Aug. 1, 1695 at Stratford, Ct., Abigail (Thompson-Curtiss) Huse. She survived him, dying Mch. 2, 1731, at Stratford.

References to Samuel Sherman, Jr:

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ii. Jotham, b. Feb. 27, 1734/35; m. 1, Grace Peck 2, Anne Beers, 3, Cynthia Beers, 4, Rhoda Wheeler.

iii. Vashti, b. May 30, 1732.

iv. Sabra, b. Apr. 4, 1736; m. Richard Smith.

Children by Mary, born at Newtown:

i. Eve, b. Apr. 24, 1738; m. Phineas Lee, June 22, 1758.
ii. Asenath, b. July 3, 1739, d. July 8, 1739.
iii.Zilpah, b. Nov. 1, 1740; m. Nathan Dickerson, May 19, 1760.
iv. Adah, b. Feb. 6, 1742, d. Mch. 3, 1771; m, Job Bristol, May 31, 1763.

References to Samuel Sherman III:

Orcutt's Hist. of Stratford and Bridgeport, Ct., Vol. 3, p. 1286, no. 133.

Cothren’s Hist. of Ancient Woodbury, Vol. 1, p. 684.

The inventory of Samuel Sherman III's estate is on file in the Probate Records of Danbury, Ct., taken Jan. 25, 1747/48. It shows him to have been a well-to-do man; his land alone inventoried 2795 pounds.

Jan, 27, 1747/48, Benoni "Sharman" was appointed guardian to Justin Sherman and Vashti Sherman, son and daughter of Samuel Sherman, deceased, they being of “lawful age to choose same." Benoni Sherman was Samuel’s brother, uncle to Justin and Vashti.
Justin was eighteen years old at that time and Vashti approaching sixteen.

XI. (5). JUSTIN SHERMAN, son of Samuel III and Elizabeth Sherman; born, Feb. 28, 1729/30, at Newtown, Ct.; died March, 1788, in the British Army, probably on Long Island; married, probably in 1755, at Newtown, Hepsibah Botsford, dau. of

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Henry, Jr. and Sarah Botsford, who was born at Newtown, and died before April 22, 1779, probably at New Milford, Ct.

Children born at Newtown or New Milford:

i. Betsy, b. 1756; drowned on way to Nova Scotia m. a man named Shelley.
ii. Sarah, b. 1758; m. a man named Wilkerson; lived in New Milford.
iii. Daniel, b. 1760; d. June 13, 1800, at Hinesburg, Vt.; m. Ollie Peck.
iv. Ezra, b. 1760; d. 1825; m. Dinah Fairchild; lived and died in New Milford, Dinah died there in 1826.
v. Eli. b. Mch. 23, 1764; d. June 13, 1850, at Fairfield, Vt.; a. Polly Phelps.
vi. Vashti b. 1766; d. after 1785; killed in an accident on her way to Nova Scotia. She married Reuben Lumm of New Milford.
vii. Jotham, b. 1768; d. April, 1859; m. Hannah Hatch, who died Nov. 29, 1858, "aged 80 years They lived and died in New Milford.

The vital statistics in the foregoing record are copied from a Family Bible owned by Jotham Sherman, son of Justin and Hepsibah.

Cothren’s Hist. of Ancient Woodbury, Vol. 1, p. 634, no. 57, gives Justin, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Sherman, but gives no further statistics regarding him.

All other town histories and all genealogical lines of the Sherman family thus far published, state either that Justin died young or they confuse his death-date with that of his father and say that he died in 1747/48.

That both these accounts are erroneous is proved by the following documents:

According to the Probate Records in Danbury, Ct., Benoni Sherman was appointed guardian to Justin and Vashti Sherman, Jan. 27, 1747/48. Justin and

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Vashti were son and daughter of Samuel Sherman, deceased, and Benoni was Samuel’s brother. Hepsibah (Botsford) Sherman was a daughter of Henry Botsford, Jr., whose will is on file In the Probate Records at Danburv, Ct., Vol. 5, p. 109.
In this will he names his wife, Sarah, eldest son, Isaac, sons James, Joel, and son Ezra's four children to have one share as though their father was present; daughters Susannah Northrop, Jean Lewis, and "the heirs of my daughter, Hephzabah Sherman".
Jabez Botsford and Richard Fairman named executors. The will was proved Sept. 2, 1783. The estate amounted to 264 pounds, 6 shillings, 10 pence.
The above will was dated Apr. 22, 1779, and shows that Hepsibah (Botsford) Sherman died be- fore that time.

Documents on file at Hartford, Ct. concerning confiscated estates:

Vol. 34. Doc, 467 a. Litchfield County March 1779.
At March term 1779. Estates judged forfeited.

Justin Sherman adjudges to be inimical person and Estate forfeited, third Tuesday in June, 1779.

Isreal Baldwin, Clerk. Vol. 34. Doc. 170. Bill for repairing houses on confiscated estates. 1780-40; 3, Justin Sherman's Estate - 80.

Copy of Original Petition on file at Hartford, Ct. Concerning confiscated Lands. Vol. 28, document 254 a. Revolutionary War.

Plea for Return of Justin Sherman’s Estate.

To Honorable The General Assembly of the Gov &

Company of the State of Connecticut now sitting

at Hartford.

page 58

The Memorial of Dan Sherman, Ezra Sherman, Eli Sherman, Jotham Sherman, Sarah Sherman & Vashti Sherman all of New Milford in Litchfield County,

humbly showeth -

That their father Justin Sherman, late of said,

New Milford, Deceased, sometime in November 1776, being then in life and to the unspeakable grief

and misfortune of y(r) unhappy Mem(list) became

enemical to the then Laboring Cause of the Colonies

and attach himself to the British who were

then at war with the said then Colonies and went

over to and joined himself with the Army of the

British on Long Island taking with him by force

of his parental Authority, influence and command

y(r) mem(list) first above mentioned being y(e)

Eldest son of s(d) Justin Decease(d) and then about

Sixteen years of age Where y(r) Mem(list) tarried

under his s(d) Fathers direction untill his s(d)

father's death, soon after which (viz) Sometime

in March 1782 s(d) Mem(list) Dan(ll) deserted

y(e) British & returned to his State being in

principle & but for his said Father's Commands

and Influence would ever have been in practice

friendly to Freedom of his Country and has ever

since his return resided in s(d) New Milford his

Native Town except about one year which he spent

in faithful Service in s(d) American Army and your

page 59

Orphan Mem(lists) beg leave with humility to Observe

that when their Said Father left his Country

& Join the Enemy he left in said New Milford

a Real and personal estate to amount in Value

of £543 as appraise(d) & Inventoried which "by

the Laws of this State has been as it was Justly

forfeited. Confiscated to the use of this State

& has been duly Administered upon and the Debts

thereupon due with Expenses of Administration

have been Settled & paid which reduced the above

Amount of said estate to about £500, which is

now righteously vested in y(r) Honours and your

Mem(lists) while they lament the mis-judgment of

their s(d) Father in y(e) adoption of principles

ruinous to his Country & family do nevertheless

fully approve of the Confiscation of what would

otherwise have been their Patrimony and hope to be forgiven in indulging the natural desire of

again possessing what was their Father's in such

measure as shall consist with y(e) Wisdom of y(r)

Honours, mem(lists) therefore beg Leave with

abasement & submission to approach your honours

humbly supplicating your Hon(rs) attention to y(r)

mem(lists) distressed and humiliating Case and

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NOTE: Please review the scanned version of these pages... I left out copy and used ... to show my omission. dab

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51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75
76-80 81-84 misc. Third St Books

free genealogy placed online June 2005
Thank You, Cory Bosley, cool dude volunteer
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