top roll Miss E. ALTA ALLEN, M. Pd., Mathematics. Kirksville Normal, Mo. Miss JEANNETTE M. TWYMAN, English Washington State Normal second roll Supt. M. W. TAYLOR, B. A., Superintendent, History and Debate. University of Washington bottom roll Prof. J. EDWARD LEWIS, B. S., Science and Athletics Carlton College, Minn. Miss MARY A. D. BRENNAN, B. A., Language. Brown University, R. I.
History of Marysville High School | go there |
Faculty | go there |
Seniors - Class of '09 | go there |
Juniors - Class of '10 | go there |
Clubs | go there |
Football - first year | go there |
Basketball - Girls' and Guys | go there |
Baseball and Track | go there |
Orchestra | go there |
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