The baseball season is now in full sway. The prospects are very good for a strong High School team. Six games were scheduled at the opening of the season, but the first game with Tulalip had to be cancelled, and the game with Everett could not be played because of heavy rain falling. LaConner High, scheduled for April 30, could not be arranged so as to clear expenses. Thus it leaves but three games to be played - Arlington and return game, and Tulalip.


Track work is rapidly taking its place among the student enterprises. Although it is the first year in track, active interest is being shown in it. The boys are working hard every night after school, with the assistance of Mr. Lewis, to get into form for the meets. Track work is greatly handicapped by lack of funds to get all the necessary equipment for the work. Consequently no work has been attempted with the hammer, shot and discus. Although it is the first year of track work, we stand a good show to win at least a few points in the interscholastic meet.

At this early date it is impossible to state the records or time that will be made in the different events, but we hope in another year to be able to compete with any school of equal size.

Arrangements are being made to have a preliminary contest with Franklin H. S., Seattle, and Snohomish, but our chief energy is bent toward winning points at the Annual Inter-High School Track Meet, held at U. of W., Seattle, May 15.

History of Marysville High School go there
Faculty go there
Seniors - Class of '09 go there
Juniors - Class of '10 go there
Clubs go there
Football - first year go there
Basketball - Girls' and Guys go there
Baseball and Track go there
Orchestra go there
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